2013-12-9 · 在 iPad 上设置 Unblock Youku 代理观看大陆网站影片的方法,也可以用在其他浏览器上。 如果你习惯使用 IE 浏览器,那么可以参考下面的设定。 打开 IE 点击“工具”(Tool) -> Internet 首选项(Internet Options) 切换至“网络连接”(Connections)面板
Oct 19, 2018 · 1. Unblock Youku for Chrome 2. Unblock Youku for Firefox 帮助海外华人解除优酷、土豆等网站的访问限制(大陆用户无需安装此扩展) We believe in freedom on the internet and that it should NOT be censored. Youku Unblock is here to help as many schools and workplaces block websites such as Youku and Facebook and YouTube. Unblock Youku using this site. Just type the address of the site you want to unblock in the bar below and click Go or use one of the quick browse links to get started. A Chrome extension helping users access their web services while travelling outside mainland China. - uku/Unblock-Youku 協助海外華人解除優酷、土豆等網站的存取限制(大陸使用者無需安裝此擴充套件) 使用 Unblock Youku 插件观看中国大陆优酷土豆网络视频 (354) Unblock Youku 在 Chrome Web Store 下架 (137) Firefox 版 Unblock Youku 插件终于发布啦! (95) 利用Sina App Engine翻墙回国内看优酷土豆等网络视频 (76) 在 Android 上使用 Unblock Youku 观看国内视频 (59) AngularJS 最佳实践 (58) Unblock Youku for Chrome is an extension that helps users access online services when outside mainland China. The extension doesn’t interfere with or block native ads on sites, ensuring the websites’ ad income is not affected.
Overall, ZenMate VPN is the perfect choice for anyone looking for live streaming, unblocking videos, unblocking websites, and to unblock Youku outside China. ZenMate is a trusted VPN, with over 42 million users worldwide. We have servers based in over 74 locations, including Hong Kong, the United States, and the United Kingdom.
Jan 01, 2013 · 1-1 MAC 破解土豆網不能看、優酷網不能看、Google Chrome 擴充功能推薦 (字幕)- Unblock Youku 教學 - Duration: 3:31. 紅蘋果電腦維修工作室 19,114 views 3:31 Apr 04, 2020 · Unblock Youku 3.8.11 CRX (Updated: May 26, 2019) Unblock Youku 3.8.10 CRX (Updated: March 10, 2019) Unblock Youku 3.8.9 CRX (Updated: January 10, 2019) Unblock Youku 3.8.8 CRX (Updated: January 1, 2019) Unblock Youku 3.8.7 CRX (Updated: December 17, 2018) Unblock Youku 3.8.6 CRX (Updated: December 16, 2018) Unblock Youku 3.8.5 CRX (Updated
We believe in freedom on the internet and that it should NOT be censored. Youku Unblock is here to help as many schools and workplaces block websites such as Youku and Facebook and YouTube. Unblock Youku using this site. Just type the address of the site you want to unblock in the bar below and click Go or use one of the quick browse links to get started.
To unblock access to a website using our service enter the address of the site in the bar below and click go OR use one of the quick browse links to go straight there. Unblock Youku. Encrypt URL Encrypt Page Allow Cookies Remove Scripts Remove Objects Unblock Youku 31 rows Unblock Youku 官方主页 2019-7-7 · 感谢您四年以来对 Unblock Youku 的支持与喜爱 你知道吗?Unblock Youku 一直以来都是个开源免费的个人项目。虽然是我在四年前因为自己的兴趣爱好在课余时间写出来的,但是经过大家的口口相传,Unblock Youku 现在已经拥有超过 300 万的活跃用户。。